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Showing posts from November, 2017

PLB Editorial- The Person of Jesus

History does record that Jesus as revealed in the Bible actually did exist. It shocks me to hear some grown up people thinking that Jesus was all a work of fiction. Some even think that the whole of the Bible is just a bunch of nursery school stories. I wish they did some research in secular human history to find out that all these personalities in the Bible like Abraham, Moses, David, the prophets along with all the events that happened with them were all one hundred percent actual and factual. Jesus was real, and is still real. The miracles He performed actually happened- even other "faiths" acknowledge this. He is not a fictional piece of some brilliant story teller. He is real and everything the Bible says of Him is incredibly true and the Bible claims that He did even much more miracles than could ever be recorded. Beyond His power is His person. He is God in a body, wisdom in a body, love in a body, glory personified. I get amazed every time I read the Gospels (Mat...

Pray for Kings, authorities and influencers.

1 Timothy 2:1-2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and [for] all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. As Christians we're not asked to join the majority of people in complaining about everything in our countries, church, jobs, social groups etc. Instead we're enjoined to solve problems and answer questions. We live in a world that's governed by spiritual forces unobserved by our physical senses. These forces (both good and bad) are constantly contesting for influence and the "seat of power" so as to direct the aeons, lifestyles or destinies of the people. As a result, no matter how "good", qualified, or skilled a leader may be, he/she just might get overwhelmed with the responsibility placed on them if the force of good is not winning out against the negative forces. Who's gonna help i...