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Showing posts from March, 2018

Title: You're a wreck; you need deliverance- by Jide Akinbua.

History has shown us that man needs to be delivered from himself. From the outset of the world men have fought systems and tyrannical governments that sought to keep them in bondage. Many have given their lives to dethrone governments that they thought were going mad with power and, in their place, established governments that suit their cause and desires. From the emergence of the brutal Roman Caesars to the rise of the vicious German Nazi power as represented in power—thirsty Adolf Hitler, humanity has experienced with bloody tears in her eyes how much evil one man can inflict on the world if invested with absolute power. In order to curb and restrict the power of government and to put an end once and for all to the evil inflicted by the *Powers-that-be* on the masses, legislators went back into their legal factory and fabricated what they called modern democracy. This was met with a standing ovation by the masses since it armed them with the right to put in power the man of thei...

Marriage- Enjoying The Full Blessings- by Akin.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. This is so true that it makes me smile ☺- even as I type this, yep! I believe that God instituted marriage as a means by which humans may better live life in a fulfilling way. Even the Scriptures show us that God specially favors a man who finds a wife....Proverbs 18:22 (Message Translation) says, Find a good spouse, you find a good life--and even more: the favor of GOD! Can you imagine that?! Awesome stuff. If this is true, and it is, one may wonder why success in marriage is not quite the experience of many today. Now, we took a little survey from a program aired on a local radio station and discovered the following results; about 20% of married couples are just getting by in their marriage while reporting that it's 'just normal', another 30% of couples today are totally loving it, I mean everyday sunshine 🌞 and butterflies kinda experience, they're having the time of their lives. However, a chunk of about 50% are in trouble in their ...