Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Sometimes it could be so hard when you are all about doing good and being a blessing to others and it seems as though you're not being appreciated for it. The scripture above gives the possibility for this. However it also tells us the right mindset to have while we are at our good deeds, He says ''let us not be weary in well doing...". As a person, live for a cause not for applause. Do not do things to necessarily get something in return. The point you do something for others without setting eyes on a reward is the greatest point of maturity. You must do things because its a part of you, not for something you return. When you do things not because you expect something in return, you would never get disappointed, and as a result of that you'd always be happy with the fact you're in perfect control of your decisions & emotions. However, God promises something remarkable, He says "We would reap in due time IF WE FAINT NOT", so your reward for good deeds is with God and not Man, lift your eyes away from the 'expected benefits of doing good' to the personality of being good. Its gonna be a great day for you dear.π
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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