Hebrews 12:12 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;
You know sometimes mistakes are made which sometimes leave a bitter dent on how you feel. Perhaps, It could be some past experiences you're not so proud of and often times memories of them leave a sour taste, but truth about this is never give the past you're not proud of the power to affect your desired future. God's mercies are new every morning, with God, mistakes expire. Do not dwell on what God doesn't dwell on. God wants you to move on, because He doesn't dwell on your past mistakes, once you trust in Him to make things new, He wipes out the bitter effect those mistakes choose to have on your emotions. The scriptural context above says "lift up the hands which hang down...", that's God speaking, God never wants any iota of discouragement for you because His plans cannot work for you to maximum potentialities with the presence of bitterness, so let go and let God.
In addition, don't spend time brooding on those mistakes, God doesn't sponsor flops, your being alive is a proof God isn't done with you, so get up and keep going, God has never created a failure.
Do have a great weekend ahead.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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