Words are things, like stuff, that's what Jesus said in Matthew12:34-35 and is further reiterated in Hebrews11:3 as the "things which are not seen".
With words we can initiate and set in motion ideas, emotions, lifestyles, cultures and other things. Words have latent power to produce the things they talk about and can produce even the material things we desire.
The CONFESSIONS 101 project simply helps to put the right words in our mouths so as to create a pleasurable life and desirable world.
Here are some words to help achieve the goals above-
I am a child of God
I have the same quality of life that God has
I am God's god
I am powerful, creative, courageous, strong, healthy, sound and wealthy
I have all that I require to live a glorious life in me and I know how to put them to work
I am not afraid of anything, I am God's god!
I am an excellent success, full of immense grace,top abilities and lots of excellent results
I am showing forth God's glories, beauties, kindness, graces, and excellences to my world everyday!
Thanks for joining in this session of PLB's CONFESSIONS 101. Let's make positive words our way of life as we bless our environs with God's good. Also make comments down👇 there and share with your friends as well as we create a world of our dreams together.
Muchos gracias,
Pastor Lams 😎.
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