Had to put up some amazing Scriptures about this in continuation of yesterday's PLB Confessions 106.
Matthew5:16 says, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.
We are the lights of the world but we need to shine more than ever before. We need to intensify our brightness and effect. Jesus enjoins us to "let" our lights "so" shine such that we become impossible to be neglected or overlooked.
The point is, it is once again our role and responsibility to shine our light not God's. He has made us the light of the world and handed us the control switch to our light and requires of us in these days to tune up our incandescence for His glory!
The Bible commended someone for having done extraordinarily well in tuning up his light- John the Baptist- He was called a "burning and a shining light" (John5:35). That's what He wants us to be to our world today. We have to stop moving with the tide, arrest our minds and impulses and "present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God" (Romans12:1) and allow His Word (His Light) to light us up so as to do those good works He preordained for us to do.
From studying the Scriptures, good works include our acts of kindness towards others, our acts of love towards others, our excellent service to God and others, and other true and virtuous endeavours (works and jobs) which highlight and are in consonance with God's Word and His love and His grace and His provisions. They could also include:
1. Our acts of service and worship to God
2. Our giving's to God (Tithes and offerings)
3. Other charitable giving and service
4. Thanksgiving
5. Souls won
6. Our inspiring lifestyle
7. Restored souls
8. Acts of kindness
9. Using graceful words on others
These good works are what others will see and be inspired by us and would want to know the Lord as well. Titus 2:14 puts it this way, "who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works".
So, as God's kids it's very natural for us to want to do good works, we're actually always excited about it according to the Scripture above.
So, turn up... the light starting from today!
Lighting up the world,
Pastor Lams 😎
Matthew5:16 says, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.
We are the lights of the world but we need to shine more than ever before. We need to intensify our brightness and effect. Jesus enjoins us to "let" our lights "so" shine such that we become impossible to be neglected or overlooked.
The point is, it is once again our role and responsibility to shine our light not God's. He has made us the light of the world and handed us the control switch to our light and requires of us in these days to tune up our incandescence for His glory!
The Bible commended someone for having done extraordinarily well in tuning up his light- John the Baptist- He was called a "burning and a shining light" (John5:35). That's what He wants us to be to our world today. We have to stop moving with the tide, arrest our minds and impulses and "present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God" (Romans12:1) and allow His Word (His Light) to light us up so as to do those good works He preordained for us to do.
From studying the Scriptures, good works include our acts of kindness towards others, our acts of love towards others, our excellent service to God and others, and other true and virtuous endeavours (works and jobs) which highlight and are in consonance with God's Word and His love and His grace and His provisions. They could also include:
1. Our acts of service and worship to God
2. Our giving's to God (Tithes and offerings)
3. Other charitable giving and service
4. Thanksgiving
5. Souls won
6. Our inspiring lifestyle
7. Restored souls
8. Acts of kindness
9. Using graceful words on others
These good works are what others will see and be inspired by us and would want to know the Lord as well. Titus 2:14 puts it this way, "who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works".
So, as God's kids it's very natural for us to want to do good works, we're actually always excited about it according to the Scripture above.
So, turn up... the light starting from today!
Lighting up the world,
Pastor Lams 😎
I am a magnificently shining light