Luke 12:20 "But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?"
Did you ever read the whole story of the above verse?. Its such a remarkable one. Jesus talks about a rich man who expanded his assets, yet a sentence of death was passed to him by God, its a remarkable story, you should read it. Question is, why did God pass a sentence of "death" on him?, Is God against prosperity?, No, is God wicked?, of course not, so why did God pass a sentence of death on him?. He passed a sentence of death on him because the man had no justified reason to be alive anymore. Shortly, after the man had expanded His assets, He said "And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry." (Lk12:19). Did you see that? The man wasn't living for any course anymore, He was living just for EATING. Friend, you should know that the greatest reason for living is IMPACT & INFLUENCE. The moment you lose your place of impacting others, you become like the man in this story. God set you & I in this world for a purpose, and every day of our lives must be geared towards fulfilling and living that purpose. You must be a man or woman of impact, its your life, its your calling. Its God's essence of giving you life, never allow any iota of selfishness, selfishness is a breach in the plan of God for your life. Let your goals, knowledge, gifts, monies, be geared towards impacting others.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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