Psalms 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:
The above is a confession of David, who recognized God in his affairs. David was a man of war, so it could suffice to say he talked about God's blessings in his business(war).
You must always recognize God in your affairs, don't be a man/woman who prays to God about something, then is conscious more of the natural than the supernatural. If you'd involve God in your business, you should be supernatural conscious. Through study, I found out David wrote this Psalm in his prime days, meaning he wrote this Psalm while he was still an "agile King", so it was more of a confession of consciousness for him. That should be your story too, you can also consciously say everyday, ,"Blessed be God who teaches my hands to succeed & fingers to prosper in this business ". Its a confession of supernatural support. You're a success!. Happy Sunday... Do have a fabulous week ahead.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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