Exodus 12:2 "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you."
When God was about to start His formal relationship with Israel, the very first thing He did was to change their calendar. This is quite remarkable for two(2) major reasons, which are:
1.A Calendar shows various breakings of days, which helps in dating special occasions.
2. A Calendar helps in showing general progress of man in his plans & affairs in calculation within a stipulated time.
These two are quite important because God was about to set up a whole new world for Israel that would regulate their occasions & progress as a clan. Now, in the New Testament, the same holds, do not forget the Old Testament was the shadow of the New, meaning the New Testament is the real deal while the Old Testament helped lay the blueprint for the New. In Christ, the calendar God has set for His people is "GRACE". Everyday, God has set the time to a time of Grace, Grace is the calendar for the one in Christ. Grace regulates " special occasions" for the Christian, Grace helps in making the progress of man evident. Grace is available every day. Everything in God is a make-up of Grace, the ability to radiate God's goodness. As you celebrate a new month, and even the beginning of the "EMBER" Month, I'd like to bring to your remembrance, this Grace still holds, see it & function in/with it. Happy New month.🙋🏻
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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