1Chr21:24 But David replied, "No! I want to pay you what they're worth. I can't just take something from you and then offer the LORD a sacrifice that cost me nothing" (CEV)
So yesterday we got talking about the role you have to play in bringing certain things to pass, even when God has said them, and it led us to talking about "Offerings". Offerings aren't necessarily monetary even though they could be, in our world today, when offerings are mentioned, the first thing that comes to our mind is " money", but offering isn't just money. Offering in relation to God is something of worth TO YOU that you give to Him FROM A HEART OF GRATITUDE. God is a Spirit, and its important sometimes we understand the dynamics of the spiritual realm. I once watched the movie "gods of Egypt", and a part that got me thinking in the movie was the afterlife where the gods asked everyone of them who died and wanted to pass on to the afterlife " what do you offer?", though a story on fiction but it gives a similar mindset to spiritual things. There are certain doors that will never open until you give God something of worth to you, it doesn't even have to be money. Praise & Worship is an offering. Telling others about God is an offering. Specific giving to others as led is an offering. Labour amongst the saints for the work of the gospel is an offering. Giving financially to God's work is also an offering. Offerings are powerful, they have opened doors, prayers sometimes haven't had the right key to open. Give an offering this week.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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