Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
When right values and standards are in place,progress is inevitable. A community that breeds selfishness thrives on each living for himself which has never been in God's agenda for the purpose of man, and when purpose is defeated, abuse and misuse is clearly inevitable. The scripture above says "Righteousness exalts a nation...", how true this is, what does He mean by 'Righteousness' in this context, 'Righteousness' here means right standards, right values, right principles. A nation can never grow on wrong principles, no matter the amount of prayer prayed for a nation, without the right standards, stagnancy is certain.
In light of the celebration of Nigeria's Independence day, the message to everyone is crystal clear, each man must live a selfless life , give no room to selfishness. Are you a Policeman, why don't you respect the core of your profession by protecting the citizens from criminals rather than harming the same citizens you're to protect. Are you a politician? Refrain from telling lies to the people to gain power, a nation you destroy will definitely have a repercussion on your generation. Are you a worker? Do your work without eye service, refrain from inflating figures just to your advantage,treat people nicely, don't be a worker who is power-drunk because you hold a reputable position. Are you one who owes those who work for you?You shouldn't have people work for you, and you owe them intentionally, oh no, you're definitely one of the problems of Nigeria. Nigeria will only get better when Nigerians get better. Nigeria is what Nigerians make of it. Happy Independence Day Nigeria!!!π³π¬ God loves you and wants you to grow.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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