John 2:19 "Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up."
God is the source of all wisdom. To know God is to know wisdom. Any 'wisdom' outside God is vague. In the old Testament, the people then were allowed to build a Temple to worship God in it because His presence wasn't everywhere, but God in His accurate wisdom, had a better plan coming up. He didn't want to dwell in buildings made by hands, He wanted to dwell in human beings. The verse above sheds more light on this when Jesus tells the pharisees who were all about killing Him, He told them to destroy 'this temple', and in three days, he'd raise it up, this is remarkable, Jesus was referring to His body, He called His body, temple. However the Pharisees hadn't had their wisdom updated, they were clung to the obsolete understanding of 'Temple'. It's important to know that every man is a potential temple for God to dwell, when you receive Jesus into your life, you become the Temple of God, (1 Corinthians 3:16"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?"). God doesn't stay in buildings anymore, He dwells in people. Do not seek God in places again, know Him and receive Him into you. This is updated wisdom. Do have a great Sunday ahead.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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