Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
I firmly believe in the seed-principle of life. Life is a ground we sow seeds, and any ground not producing the required/desired results from sowing should be changed. Jesus illustrated many of His teachings with the seed principle. Life is a ground where we sow seeds, and we must be sensitive enough to know the different grounds we are sowing on. I believe no one is ever short of seeds, however, there often times can be a wrong positioning of the sower. For instance, you can't be in a relationship you really aren't getting anything profitable from, life is about give and receive, the moment you find yourself in any relationship where you seem to be giving without receiving anything, then that's a wrong ground for sowing, your time is a seed, your emotions are a seed, your thoughts are seeds, whatever you give to make things work is a seed and when you sow, you definitely should reap. Now, there are times, it could take a while for you to reap the dividends of the seed principle in relationships, but you can tell at specific times if you're sowing on good or bad ground. The problem with many relationships and even marriages is a deficiency in the seed-principle. The same applies in businesses, you should recognise a business that's taking more from you than giving more to you, don't be caught in the web of "it'd get better" when its definitely a bad ground. No matter how much patience you have, a rocky ground will never produce fruits from your seeds. Be wise enough to understand the ground you've been operating on. Do have a great week ahead of you.
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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