Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
One of the greatest ways to show you love someone is to pray for that person. Love is an affection and also a decision, it's the connection of your heart to the delight of another, however a lot of times, many confuse love with "feelings", when you feel connected to someone, you say you love that person, is that love? Oh no! Love often times is a decision and affection, and often times this affection drives you to desire good for that person, you begin to see that person as yourself, and whatever you'd choose to do for yourself will correspondingly be the same thing you'd choose to do for that person, that's why Jesus said "... Love your neighbour as yourself" . Love is only defined when you desire for someone what you desire for yourself. Without a question of doubt, you pray for yourself frequently, now it's time to channel prayers for others, the greatest ministry in the Temple of God has always been the Ministry of Intercession. When you study through all the glorious passages of the Old Testament, you see Priests interceding for others, and even much more in the New Testament, the Bible says "we are kings and priests unto the. father" (Rev1:6). Until you pray for someone, you're not qualified to say you love that person. Prayer is the greatest love shown to another. Do have a glorious weekend ahead.
(Daily nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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