Proverbs 14:23 "In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury."
Labour is anything you exercise either physical, mental or spiritual action on. The scripture above shows something remarkable about Labour. It says, "in ALL labour there is profit..." . This is great stuff. A lot of times people look at the "tasking" aspect of labour, however, the Bible says in all labour, there is profit. It didn't say, in all labour, there is loss. He says " profit", someone might say but there are certain times loss are incurred in labour, well, the Bible says "in all labour, there is PROFIT", so what does this mean? It means no matter what you've experienced, you must not accept anything less than " Profit" alone, God's will for us is profit in any and every labour. You know, personally in my own experience, I've had businesses I made profit in, there are some that probably didn't go as I planned, but you know what? My mental fixation on God's will of profit for me has always helped me turn any disappointment to my advantage. I learn from it, and don't accept it as a loss, and I even do it better again with additional information. Success doesn't come to the cowardly, you must often times be ready to do things over and over again without any form of lethargy. There is profit for a man who stays in the will of God concerning his business. There is profit for You this week!. Don't relent. Do have a great day ahead
(Daily Nuggets with Tobi Adebayo
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