Genesis 39:6 "And he left all that he had in Joseph's hand; and he knew not ought he had, save the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person, and well favoured."
Money doesn't really buy everything, there are some things purchased with " Favour", and this is so true. A perfect example of this would be Joseph, a man who clearly navigated his journey with nothing else but "Favour". A car may cost $1.5 million, but that car also costs " Favour ", a Phone may cost $1,000 but that Phone also costs " Favour". Favour is a direct alternative to the cost of anything. However, Favour is a product of an influence of someone over another, this influence most times is unintentional, sometimes can be intentional, but the most important thing is that it is an influence. Your good labor over people is a seed in their lives, the labor of other people over you is a seed in your life. There are things people will feel to do for you just because of your influence in their lives. A lot of times people work to grow their financial state, not many work to grow their social currency, your social currency is what qualifies you for Favour!, your impact in others life. Now, a lot of people credit Joseph's favour to just the God factor, however I differ, Joseph had a conscious influence over everyone he worked for or worked with. While in Potiphar's house, the Bible says "everything Potiphar did prospered", why? because Potiphar had someone managing his house, so Potiphar didn't have to worry about his home being in order. Joseph also found favour in Prison because he most likely had some seeming influence over the Prison wardens, He also had favour in the sight of Pharaoh's butler because he helped him interpret his dream. Now, this favour doesn't sound like something just gotten without any work. Favour from people usually is a product of influence. The more influence you have over people, the more your social currency grows, the more your favour grows. Consciously grow your social currency, however, do not relate with people with an entitlement mentality. Do have a lovely day ahead๐ฏ.
(Daily nuggets with Tobi Adebayo)
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