Wisdom is a person and this person possesses an influence and a force (1Corinthians1:30).
Wisdom is the force of God which works in, around and for someone causing that person to make the most excellent and most accurate decisions, choices, actions (and inactions) in all situations and scenarios.
Wisdom may not act the same way under seemingly similar circumstances because no two moments are really the same. So, wisdom makes custom decisions for custom situations.
As a child of God you have wisdom inside of you. The Bible says Jesus is our wisdom! (no wonder we're even wiser than Solomon, he certainly wasn't as wise as Jesus 😏).
However, a Christian can live life not knowing this or simply neglecting this person and as a result reduce the impact of the "wisdom-force" in him/her.
One of the ways to activate this wisdom is by acknowledgement (Philemon1:6). Recognise and affirm that it is truly inside of you then speak it forth as well!
The PLB'S CONFESSIONS 103 aims to help in activating this force to come to the fore as we get our lives on and works done.
Jesus is wisdom
Jesus is living in me
Therefore, I have the entire universe of wisdom living and working in me
I think wisdom
I speak wisdom
I act wisdom
I am excellently and entirely wise
I know what to do in every situation that brings glory to Jesus at all times and I do them
I walk in absolute dominion in this world as a result of this wisdom-force in me.
I cannot be ensnared by evil, fear, lack, poverty, sickness, wrong advice or darkness
I have answers and solutions to all of life's dilemmas
I am walking and living entirely in wisdom at all times
I am excellent in all my ways!
These words are so powerful, you should say them with your entire heart. And remember to study and meditate on the Scriptures often, that's wisdom's universe!
You can check out our previous posts on 15 steps to effective and exciting Bible study to help you gain more wisdom-weight😉.
A bientot,
Pastor Lams 😎.
I have wisdom!