1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
Now, the Bible calls us many glorious things. He calls us gods, kings, lights etc. Psalm 87:3 actually says, "Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah." The Bible is our sure go-to resource for motivation and inspiration. He never puts you down or make you feel worthless, dejected and unattractive, rather, He builds you up and encourages and believes in you even than you do in you. He only calls us absolutely wonderful names and decorates us so beautifully all the time. Gotta love Him (the Word, that is).
Here in the opening verse He calls us judges. We are judges. If you are spiritual, He calls you a judge of all things (all situations, circumstances). You should not allow situations judge you, or pass sentence on you! You are the judge here! The pendulum will swing in the direction you choose and insist upon. Tell that situation what you want and compel it through consistency in your speech and it will conform to your desire.
It doesn't even matter if you were at fault in a certain situation. It doesn't matter if it supposedly came by happenstance. You are the judge now! Everything will flow in the direction that you allow. Judges adjudicate with words, so use words too, that's how powerful our words are, they will come to pass!
See also that we're not asked to judge people. We're asked to judge circumstances and happenings that have to do with us, so don't go around judging people. Refuse also to be negatively judged of and by people, only accept the judgement of God (God's Word) on your life.
The point really is to be spiritual, that's what that entire chapter of the Bible was talking about- being spiritual (you can check it out yourself).
We are God's judges, and we are in charge.
Avec amour,
Pastor Lams 😎
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