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PLB Editorial- Who's to blame for the evil in the world?

Sometimes, the pictures of war and turmoil, people (especially children) living with very deadly health issues such as cancer and HIV or those living in poverty and helplessness can be very disturbing indeed😟. It leads many to ask the popular question- "if there's a God, why do these things happen when He could simply use His infinite power to stop them?"

I remember a story in the Bible where Jesus was faced with a man who was born blind (John 9). Actually the original manuscripts reveal that he was born without eyeballs in his eye sockets, just 2 holes on his face where his eyes should've been. Jesus' disciples were puzzled and grossly disturbed. "Who sinned", they asked, "himself or his parents?"

Jesus' answer was "You're asking the wrong question. You're looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do" (John9:3 MSG) or  "don't start the blame game now, just let's fix the problem!" And Jesus went ahead to minister to the man and got him to see perfectly. The news went around town and everyone gave God praise.

I could go on and on citing examples of seemingly unfortunate situations that happened to people that you'd have thought should deserve better. I mean the entire Bible is replete with such examples. Abraham, God's pal, didn't have a child when he "should have", Joseph experienced one of the craziest persecution experiences in the Bible, Job literally went through hell on earth,  Daniel, don't even get me started, Jesus was killed by the same people he sought to help, Paul suffered not a little despite doing God's work... We couldn't exhaust the many examples in the Bible of bad things happening to truly good people.

However, Jesus wouldn't blame a soul for this man's predicament. It's very possible the man's parents caused something, or maybe it was just one of those cases where awkward biological processes in the womb of the woman hindered the proper development of the foetus. For all it's worth, it could've been anything that science today could explain yet Jesus wasn't going to have none of that! He was not going to dwell on the problem, He was solution minded. As far as He was concerned, He was here now to solve the problem!

Paul said in Philippians 2:5, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. 
It is wiser to think on the solution rather than the problems we're facing in this world. If you've got a challenging situation: your health, finances, career, family problems, relationship issues, natural disaster or anything at that, please recognise that everybody in the world has challenges too but the ones who reign over those challenges are indeed those who are at work to solve the problem rather than engage in a blame game or pity party. Don't blame your spouse for the problem in your home, don't blame the government for your life's situation, don't blame your past for your health issues, they might have caused the problem, but exonerate them and look rather at fixing the problem before it becomes a mammoth. Don't blame God for man's predicaments. God is here to help! This message is an alert for you to invite Him into your life and into the challenges you're facing. It is time to solve your problem or challenge today!

So much more to share, but we'll pause here for today.

Thank you Father for your love, You're a good God and we thank you for the many blessings in our lives. I pray for the readers of this article that they are strengthened with miracle producing ability, with supernatural wisdom and grace to fix their challenges completely today in Jesus name! Amen!

I pray specially for those going through health issues, that the miracle working power of God course through their bodies and souls and produce permanent healing and health in Jesus name! Amen!

With love,
Pastor Lams 😎.


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