Proverbs 27:2 Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips. The greatest criticism of you if there be any should come from you, the greatest praise of you should come from others; and not vice versa. The above scripture alludes to that. Never allow another man the right to pass the slightest inhumane remarks about you in any way, even your mistakes are your mistakes not their's, so no one is qualified enough to pass a "judgement" against you. This was the reason behind Jesus' response in John8:7. No matter how grave your past errors or "seeming present challenges" are, only two people have the right to criticize or judge you(i.e God & You), and God won't criticize/judge you, He's your ever present Help(Ps46:1), don't criticize or judge yourself either because you need all the strength you can muster for your journey(Pro17:22). Stay in charge of your emotions. I believe this is why ladies who feel...